Nuggets of awesomeness to keep an eye out for

Reckit Nuggets


  • Tips and tricks
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  • Highs and lows

Every now and then, we get hold of something that genuinely makes life easier in rectec. We’re starting to collate some of these to share with you.

Got one you want to share? Tag @reckit on LinkedIn!

We’re just getting started

Pretty light on content right now, but keep coming back.


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GenAI Of The Moment

ChatGPT continues to dominate, with Claude snapping at its heels. 

GenAI Power Tips

Did you know you can ask GenAI to sort data for you? Tell it what you’ve got, what you want, then paste the data. Turn free text into csv imports!

Copilot yet?

Who hasn’t heard of Microsoft Copilot? But have you played with it. Sucks you have to pay for 12 months upfront but get one of your team on it and hit YouTube for some awesome powertips!

Email DNS Tip

Make sure you backup for DNS settings once in a while, especially before a change is made! Helps you roll back if there are issues. Don’t have direct access to your DNS? Ask your provider for exports before every change.


It’s all good and well adding a DMARC record but have you setup a DMARC monitoring service? Insane value tools give you genuine insights into potential issues.

Zapier Power

Got separate systems which multiple copies of records? Why not keep them in sync? Have a play with Zapier and see if you can connect systems together. Don’t forget to set a strong password and setup MFA though, or else your begging for someone to get backdoor access to your systems.

We have a winner!

Well, not yet. Competition time is coming! 


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